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Salah Satu 7 Puncak Tertinggi di Indonesia Gunung Bukit Raya Berada di Perbatasan Kalimantan Barat Dan Kalimantan Tengah. Beberapa Fakta dari Gunung Bukit Raya : 1.Letaknya Yang terpencil,membuat biaya pendakian menjadi mahal dan Perjalanan bebrapa hari. 2.Termasuk pada jajaran Pegunungan Muller Schwaner. Bertualang Bersama kami di salah satu hutan hujan tropis terbesar di indonesia,yaitu di Pulau Kalimantan. JADWAL TRIP ⇒ Open Trip 1 14-21 Agustus 2019 ⇒ Open Trip 2 1-8 November 2019 A.Meet  Point Bandara Supadio ( Pontianak ) Rp.5.200.000/Orang ( kuota Minimal harus terpenuhi 6 orang ) Biaya Trip Bisa di Cicil sebanyak 6x Jika Kuota Minimal tidak memenuhi maka,biaya menyesuaikan. Fasilitas: - Transport Bandara Pontianak-Nanga Pinoh PP – Transportrasi Air Nanga Pinoh-Rantau Malam PP – Transport Ojek Korong Hp – Akomodasi di Rantau malam – Alat Camp Team – Alat Masak Team – Logistik Pokok ( makan selama di gunung -+ 16x ) - Upacara Adat –

Private Trip Gunung Semeru 2019

      Syarat Pendaftaran peserta : – foto copy KTP/SIM 3 lembar – membawa surat dokter  ( H-2 sebelum keberangkatan ) – membayar DP 50% sebelum batas waktu pendaftaran Peraturan-Peraturan Dalam Mengikuti Open Trip Di Mountain Adventure : – peserta wajib mematuhi peraturan2 trip di mountain adventure indonesia – Tiap Peserta akan Di Kelompokkan Menjadi 4 orang 1 Team – Tiap Peserta akan Dibebankan Alat2 camp dan Logistik Pokok Pada Carrier Nya ( tanpa Porter ) – jika peserta meminta porter Pribadi maka akan dikenai biaya tambahan. ITINERARY : Gunung Semeru 4 hari 3 malam hari 1 – 08.00                                              sampai di stasiun malang 08.30                                             transport dari stasiun malang ke basecamp jeep(mandi&makan) 09.00                                           naik jeep dari BC jeep ke bascamp ranupane 11.00                                            sampai di basecamp ranupane 11.30        


Mount Latimojong is a Mountain name in Enrekang Regency,South Sulawesi,Indonesia.Mount Latimojong is in the middle of south sulawesi.most of these mountain are located in the enrekang regency area. Mount Latimojong is the highest mountain is south sulawesi with an altitude of 3478 meters,The Peak of Which is Name Bulu Rantemario.   ⏭ Trip Gunung Latimojong 2019 ⏭ JADWAL TRIP  ⇒ Open Trip 21-25 Desember 2019 ⏭ Meet Point Bandara Sultan Hasannudin Makassar Sulawesi selatan ⏭ Harga ( Price List ) Wisatawan Domestik ⏩ 2 Peserta ⇒ Rp.4.250.000/Orang ( 1 Guide Dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 3 Peserta ⇒ Rp.2.950.000/Orang ( 1 Guide Dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 4 Peserta ⇒ Rp.2.300.000/Orang ( 1 Guide Dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 5 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.950.000/Orang ( 1 Guide Dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 6 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.600.000/Orang ( 1 Guide Dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 7 Peserta Lebih Harga Konfirmasi Ke Customer Service ⏩ Wisatawan Mancanegara Extra Cost Rp.300.000/Orang Fasilitas


⏩ Trip Gunung Rinjani 2019 ( Sementara Ini hanya Melayani Private Trip,Peserta.Bisa pilih Waktunya Sendiri ) ⏩ Durasi Pendakian 3 Hari 2 Malam ⏩ Meet Point Bandara Praya / Pelabuhan Lembar  . ⏩ Jalur Sembalun ( batas pendakian sampai plawangan ) ⏩ Jalur Senaru ( batas pendakian sampai plawangan ) Daftar harga,skema Guide dan Porter Team : ⏩ 2 Peserta ⇒ Rp.2.750.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 3 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.900.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 4 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.600.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 5 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.300.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 6 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.200.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 7 Peserta ⇒ Rp.1.000.000 / Orang ( 1 Guide dan 1 Porter Team ) ⏩ 8 Peserta Lebih Harga Konfirmasi ke customer service ⏩Wisatawan Mancanegara Extra Cost Rp.1.500.000/Orang 👉Fasilitas ( Include )     ⏭ Transport Bandara praya/Pelabuhan Lembar-sembalun lawang/Senaru(Basecam


Mount Binaiya is a mountain located on Seram Island, Maluku in the country of Indonesia. Mount Binaiya is the highest mountain in Maluku Province with an altitude of 3,027 meters above sea level (masl) entering the Central Maluku Regency. Maluku Province. This mountain stretches on Seram Island and enters the scope of the Manusela National Park JADWAL TRIP ⇒ Manusela National Park is representative of the types of coastal ecosystems, swamp forests, lowland rain forests and mountainous rain forests in Maluku. The types of vegetation found in this national park are mangroves, beaches, swamp forests, river cliffs, tropical rainforest, mountain forests, and sub-alpine forests. A.Meet  Point Bandara Pattimura ,Ambon Rp.3.700.000/Orang ( kuota Minimal harus terpenuhi 6 orang ) Fasilitas: - Transport Bandara Ambon - tulehu PP – Transportrasi Air Tulehu - Amahai PP – Transport Amahai - Piliana PP – Alat Camp Team – Alat Masak Team – Logistik Pokok ( makan s


⏩IDR 1.950.000/Orang ⏩Durasi Pendakian 2 Hari 1 Malam ⏩Meet Point Bandara Bima FASILITAS ( Include ) Meeting Point Bandara Bima || Kuota Min.6 orang 1.TRANSPORT Bandara Bima - Ds. Pancasila PP 2.TRANSPORT Basecamp - Pos1 ( Ojek ) 3.TENDA sesuai kapasitas 4. IJIN PENDAKIAN 5. Alat Masak 6.GUIDE APGI 7. makan 2x ( sebelum dan sesudah pendakian ) 8. P3k standart 9. Logistik Pokok 10.Porter ( Bawa Logistik Pokok Dan alat Team ) 11.Makan Selama Di Gunung. 12.Souvenir MAi ⏩Non Fasilitas : 1.Hal yang tidak disebutkan di Include 2.Peralatan Pribadi 3.TRansport Menuju Meet Point⏩➪


Trip Wisata Gunung Bromo : A.Meet Point Semarang Rp.550.000/Orang ( Kuota Minimal 10 Orang ) B.Meet Point Surabaya Rp.400.000/Orang C.Meet Point Malang Rp.300.000/Orang Fasilitas : - Tiket masuk TNBTS - Tiket kereta Api Semarang - Surabaya PP - Tiket Kereta Api Surabaya - Malang PP - Transport Malang - Homestay PP - Transport Jeep Keliling Kawasan Bromo - Welcome Snack + Aqua - Makan 2X - Dokumentasi Destinasi Trip : 1.Bukit penanjakan 2.Kawah Gunung Bromo 3.Pasir Berbisik 4.Savana 5.Bukit Teletubbies 6.Coban Pelangi ( Bonus Trip ) Rundown : 3 Hari 2 Malam Hari 1 jam 11.00 Meet Point St.Tawang                   12.00 Pemberangkatan ke Surabaya                   17.30 Sampai Surabaya Pasar Turi                   18.00 St.Gubeng Lama                   19.30 Keberangkatan Ke St.Malang Kota Baru                   22.00 Sampai Malang                   22.30 Menuju Home stay                   23.00 sampai Home Stay hari 2 Jam 01.00 menuju Penanjakan

Trip Semeru 2019 ( Harga Spesial )

Ada Harga Spesial Untuk Trip Ke Semeru,Lebih Murah.Hanya Disini Anda Harus menentukan Team Dan Waktu Pendakian Yang MInimal 1 team 10 orang dengan harga Rp.750.000/orang   FASILITAS ( Include ) Meeting Point St.Malang- Malang || Kuota Min.10 orang || 1.TRANSPORT stasiun malang-basecamp jeep PP 2.TRANSPORT Tumpang jeep-BASECAMP RANUPANE PP ( jeep ) 3.TENDA 4. IJIN PENDAKIAN DAN ASURANSI DARI TNBTS 5. KOMPOR + NESTING + Gas 6.GUIDE APGI & Porter TEam 7. makan 7x 8. P3k standart 9. Souvenir T-shirt ( Jika Peserta >12 Orang )    Non Fasilitas : Yang Tidak di sebutkan di dalam List Fasilitas kewajiban peserta : - foto copy KTP/SIM 3 lembar  - membawa carrier minimal 60 liter ( wajib bagi laki2/perempuan )  - membawa surat dokter  - memakai sepatu gunung  - membayar DP 50% sebelum batas waktu pendaftaran ( H-30 )  - membawa peralatan makan Pribadi Itinerary Langsung Konfirmasi Ke Admin....


Wisata Dengan Kami Di Gunung Ijen Yuks...Salah satu Blue Fire Yang ada di Dunia Berada di Indonesia. point Semarang Rp.575.000/pax point Surabaya Rp.450.000/pax   FASILITAS ( Include ) Meeting Point Surabaya || Kuota Min. 10 Orang 1.TRANSPORT Travel Surabaya-patulding PP 2.TRANSPORT Kereta Semarang - Surabaya PP 3.Tiket Masuk Wisata 4.BBM dan Driver 5.Parkir Dan Tol 6.welcome Snack + Aqua 1x 7.Makan 2x Destinasi Wisata : ⇒ Blue Fire ⇒ kawah Ijen ⇒ Savana Baluran ⇒ Pantai Bama ( Bonus Trip )  

Wisata Pulau Karimunjawa ( Paket Hemat,Murah Dan Lengkap )

Since March 15, 2001, Karimunjawa was designated by the Jepara government as a National Park. Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Some of the rare fauna that habitats here are the White Chest Sea Eagle, hawksbill, and green turtle. Plants that characterize the Karimunjawa National Park are dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest. The waves in Karimunjawa are relatively low and benign, bordered by beaches which are mostly fine white sand beaches. The most common transportation used to get to Karimunjawa is ships from Semarang and Jepara. From Tanjung Emas Harbor, Semarang, the Kartini I (fast boat) departs every Saturday at 9 am to Karimunjawa and returns from Karimunjawa every Sunday afternoon, a 2-3 hour long crossing. From the Port of Kartini Beach, Jepara there is a Muria Ship that departs once every two days, the length

Wisata Gili Labak ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

Gili Labak is known to have a variety of marine life, besides that the island is surrounded by pure white sand. Visitors will be greeted by a sprinkling of white sand, clear sea water, and calm seaside waters. The indigenous people of Gili Labak are friendly to tourists but it should also be noted that most of them only speak Madura Gili Labak is a small island located in the southeast of Puteran Island or Madura Island. Administratively, this island belongs to the Talango District area, Sumenep Regency, East Java. The capital of the Talango sub-district is on Puteran Island. The island stretches for 5 hectares and can be surrounded in less than an hour. To reach Gili Labak from Sumenep there are no regular vehicles. The only way is to rent fishing boats from Sumenep. From Surabaya, you can go to Bungurasih Terminal. From there take a bus heading to Madura with the last stop at Sumenep Terminal or at Kalianget Harbor and passing the Suramadu Toll Road so that the total

Wisata Derawan ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

In the Berau District Spatial Plan, the conservation areas of small islands in the Derawan Islands have been planned. The potential of this conservation area is seen from the biodiversity in the islands, including endemic animals and other important places. Besides having several tropical ecosystems consisting of coral reef ecosystems, seagrass ecosystems, and mangrove ecosystems, the Derawan Islands also have protected and distinctive species. These species include coconut crabs (Birgus latro), whales, dolphins (Delphinus), green turtles (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill turtles (Erethmochelys fimbriata), and dugongs (Dugong dugons). Coconut crabs can be found on the islands of Kakaban and Maratua. Whales can be found around Maratua Island at certain seasons while dolphins around Semama Island, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, and Gosong Muaras. Turtles can be found around Pulau Panjang, Derawan, Semama, Sangalaki and Maratua and Dugong on Pulau Panjang and Semama. Other unique spe

Wisata Pulau Komodo ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

Komodo island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native Komodo dragons. This island is also the Komodo National Park area which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island is located east of Sumbawa Island, separated by the Sape Strait. Administratively, the island is part of the Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, bordering West Nusa Tenggara Province. On Komodo Island, Komodo dragons live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there were around 1300 Komodo dragons. Coupled with other islands, such as Rinca and Gili Motang, their total number is around 2500. There are also about 100 Komodo dragons in the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland of Flores Island but do not belong to the Komodo National Park area. Besides Komodo dragons, the island also stores exotic flora of