Wisata Derawan ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

In the Berau District Spatial Plan, the conservation areas of small islands in the Derawan Islands have been planned. The potential of this conservation area is seen from the biodiversity in the islands, including endemic animals and other important places. Besides having several tropical ecosystems consisting of coral reef ecosystems, seagrass ecosystems, and mangrove ecosystems, the Derawan Islands also have protected and distinctive species.

These species include coconut crabs (Birgus latro), whales, dolphins (Delphinus), green turtles (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill turtles (Erethmochelys fimbriata), and dugongs (Dugong dugons). Coconut crabs can be found on the islands of Kakaban and Maratua. Whales can be found around Maratua Island at certain seasons while dolphins around Semama Island, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, and Gosong Muaras. Turtles can be found around Pulau Panjang, Derawan, Semama, Sangalaki and Maratua and Dugong on Pulau Panjang and Semama. Other unique species are Manta Rays (Manta birostris) found on Sangalaki Island and Pigmy Seahorse on Semama and Derawan Islands.

Derawan Islands is an archipelago located in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. In this archipelago there are a number of charming marine tourism objects, one of which is the Underwater Park which is of interest to foreign tourists, especially world class divers.

Derawan Islands has three districts namely, Derawan Island, Maratua, and Biduk Biduk, Berau.

There are at least four famous islands in the archipelago, namely Maratua Island, Derawan, Sangalaki, and Kakaban, which are inhabited by endangered green turtles and hawksbill.

Geographically, it is located on the northern peninsula of Berau Regency which consists of several islands, namely Panjang Island, Raburabu Island, Samama Island, Sangalaki Island, Kakaban Island, Nabuko Island, Maratua Island and Derawan Island as well as several reefs such as Muaras, Sand Pinaka , burn Buliulin, burn Masimbung, and burn Tababinga.

In the Derawan Islands there are several coastal ecosystems and small islands that are very important, namely coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove forests (mangrove forests). In addition many protected species are in the Derawan Islands such as green turtles, hawksbill turtles, whales, dolphins, clams, coconut crabs, dugongs, barracudas and several other species.

The Derawan Islands are being promoted by the Berau Regency and East Kalimantan Province, as one of the mainstay tours. Local and foreign tourists, more trips there, options other than to dive, see the turtle nesting process, also enjoy the clean and beautiful beaches. Along the beach clean and no rubbish. Communication facilities in the Derawan Islands are good, for example is already affordable with a 3G signal.

Resort and lodging in the Derawan Islands are widely scattered on the beach, with prices that are cheaper, for example compared to tourist attractions in Bali and Lombok.

The Derawan Islands was nominated to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.

🔰Open Trip Derawan
🔹Durasi Waktu 4 Hari 3 malam.
🔹Harga Rp.3.500.000/Orang.
🔹Meet Point Bandara Tarakan.
🔹Kuota Minimal  8 Orang.

🔹Destinasi :
- Pulau Derawan.
- Pulau Maratua.
- Pulau Kakaban.
- Pulau Sangalaki
- Manta Point .
- Gusung Derawan.
- Labuhan Cermin.
- Whaleshark Point.
- Kehe Daeng.
- Haji Mangku Cave.
- Jelly Fish Point.

🔹Fasilitas Trip :
- Guide .
- Transportrasi Bandara Tarakan-Derawan PP.
- Homestay di Derawan.
- Speed Boat Ke Derawan.
- Speed Boat Jelajah Pulau.
- Makan +- 9x
- Snorkling tanpa Fin dan Pelampung.
- Tiket Masuk Semua Wisata.
- Welcome Drink,Snack dan Aqua
- P3K Standar
- Dokumentasi Bawah Air .

🔹Non Fasilitas :
- Transport menuju Meet Point.
- Hal-hal yang tidak di sebutkan di Fasilitas.

🔹Tersedia Booking Hari :
- Kamis s/d Minggu
( Tentukan tanggal trip mu )

🔹Jika Kuota Minimal Tidak Terpenuhi maka,ada Penyesuaian Harga.


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