Wisata Pulau Karimunjawa ( Paket Hemat,Murah Dan Lengkap )

Since March 15, 2001, Karimunjawa was designated by the Jepara government as a National Park. Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Some of the rare fauna that habitats here are the White Chest Sea Eagle, hawksbill, and green turtle.

Plants that characterize the Karimunjawa National Park are dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest.

The waves in Karimunjawa are relatively low and benign, bordered by beaches which are mostly fine white sand beaches.

The most common transportation used to get to Karimunjawa is ships from Semarang and Jepara. From Tanjung Emas Harbor, Semarang, the Kartini I (fast boat) departs every Saturday at 9 am to Karimunjawa and returns from Karimunjawa every Sunday afternoon, a 2-3 hour long crossing.

From the Port of Kartini Beach, Jepara there is a Muria Ship that departs once every two days, the length of the economic ship crossing is +/- 6 hours of cruise. It should be noted that the ship schedule from the port of Jepara usually leaves on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9 am and from Karimunjawa to Jepara Wednesday, Friday, Sunday at 8 am. This schedule can change according to the weather or waves in the Java Sea. if there is a high wave, the transportation party at the port will not give a shipping permit, and the ship's departure schedule will change with the weather. Jepara port can also bring cars and motorbikes to be crossed to Karimunjawa.

🔰Open Trip Karimunjawa
🔹Durasi Waktu 2 Hari 1 malam.
🔹Harga Rp.630.000/Orang.
🔹Meet Point Pelabuhan Jepara.
🔹Kuota Minimal  10 Orang.

🔹Destinasi :
- Pulau Menjangan Besar.
- Pulau Menjangan Kecil.
- Pantai Ujung Gelam.
- Spot Maer .

🔹Fasilitas Trip :
- Guide .
- Transportrasi Kapal Fery Jepara-Karimunjawa PP.
- Transportrasi ke Penginapan.
- Penginapan 2 hari 1 malam
- Tiket Masuk Taman Nasional
- Tiket Masuk Ke Pulau-pulau & Penangkaran Hiu.
- Kapal Keliling Pulau dan Snorkling.
- Bakar Ikan 1x
- Makan 3x
- Welcome Drink,Snack dan Aqua
- P3K Standar
- Dokumentasi Bawah Air .

🔹Non Fasilitas :
- Transport menuju Meet Point.
- Hal-hal yang tidak di sebutkan di Fasilitas.

🔹Tersedia Booking Hari :
- Senin s/d Selasa.
- Rabu s/d Kamis.
- Sabtu s/d Minggu
( Tentukan tanggal trip mu )

🔹Jika Kuota Minimal Tidak Terpenuhi maka,ada Penyesuaian Harga.


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