
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

Wisata Pulau Karimunjawa ( Paket Hemat,Murah Dan Lengkap )

Since March 15, 2001, Karimunjawa was designated by the Jepara government as a National Park. Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Some of the rare fauna that habitats here are the White Chest Sea Eagle, hawksbill, and green turtle. Plants that characterize the Karimunjawa National Park are dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest. The waves in Karimunjawa are relatively low and benign, bordered by beaches which are mostly fine white sand beaches. The most common transportation used to get to Karimunjawa is ships from Semarang and Jepara. From Tanjung Emas Harbor, Semarang, the Kartini I (fast boat) departs every Saturday at 9 am to Karimunjawa and returns from Karimunjawa every Sunday afternoon, a 2-3 hour long crossing. From the Port of Kartini Beach, Jepara there is a Muria Ship that departs once every two days, the length

Wisata Gili Labak ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

Gili Labak is known to have a variety of marine life, besides that the island is surrounded by pure white sand. Visitors will be greeted by a sprinkling of white sand, clear sea water, and calm seaside waters. The indigenous people of Gili Labak are friendly to tourists but it should also be noted that most of them only speak Madura Gili Labak is a small island located in the southeast of Puteran Island or Madura Island. Administratively, this island belongs to the Talango District area, Sumenep Regency, East Java. The capital of the Talango sub-district is on Puteran Island. The island stretches for 5 hectares and can be surrounded in less than an hour. To reach Gili Labak from Sumenep there are no regular vehicles. The only way is to rent fishing boats from Sumenep. From Surabaya, you can go to Bungurasih Terminal. From there take a bus heading to Madura with the last stop at Sumenep Terminal or at Kalianget Harbor and passing the Suramadu Toll Road so that the total

Wisata Derawan ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

In the Berau District Spatial Plan, the conservation areas of small islands in the Derawan Islands have been planned. The potential of this conservation area is seen from the biodiversity in the islands, including endemic animals and other important places. Besides having several tropical ecosystems consisting of coral reef ecosystems, seagrass ecosystems, and mangrove ecosystems, the Derawan Islands also have protected and distinctive species. These species include coconut crabs (Birgus latro), whales, dolphins (Delphinus), green turtles (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill turtles (Erethmochelys fimbriata), and dugongs (Dugong dugons). Coconut crabs can be found on the islands of Kakaban and Maratua. Whales can be found around Maratua Island at certain seasons while dolphins around Semama Island, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, and Gosong Muaras. Turtles can be found around Pulau Panjang, Derawan, Semama, Sangalaki and Maratua and Dugong on Pulau Panjang and Semama. Other unique spe

Wisata Pulau Komodo ( Paket Hemat , Murah Dan Lengkap )

Komodo island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native Komodo dragons. This island is also the Komodo National Park area which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island is located east of Sumbawa Island, separated by the Sape Strait. Administratively, the island is part of the Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, bordering West Nusa Tenggara Province. On Komodo Island, Komodo dragons live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there were around 1300 Komodo dragons. Coupled with other islands, such as Rinca and Gili Motang, their total number is around 2500. There are also about 100 Komodo dragons in the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland of Flores Island but do not belong to the Komodo National Park area. Besides Komodo dragons, the island also stores exotic flora of